Missouri Non-Resident Concealed Handgun Permit
According to Missouri Concealed Weapon Law under Additional Information at mshp.dps.mo.gov it is acceptable for a missouri resident to have a non-resident permit from any state that will issue a non-resident permit, for use within the State of Missouri.
AFT offers a great option for Virginia Non-Residents to satisfy the educational requirements to obtain their concealed handgun permits. It is a ninety minute video course taught online that can be taken from the comfort of your own home at any time, day or night. Our online course, Introduction to Pistol Safety is by far the most popular option for our students. It can be taken at any time in the comfort of your own home in about ninety minutes. The class is fun, informative, and free. The only cost is if you need to print out the course completion certificate to apply for your concealed carry permit.
Here are the steps to get your Non-Resident Virginia Permit:
Establish gun safety knowledge - This can be done in many ways per the Virginia code...the most popular methods are:
Take an online class such as our Introduction to Pistol Safety online class
Take an in-person class by a certified instructor
Present a DD214 document showing past military experience
Request an Application Package by contacting the Virginia State Police Firearms Transaction Center in writing at the below address or on-line at nonrespermit@vsp.virginia.gov.
All written requests must include the applicant's complete name and mailing address. A telephone number is also requested. Send written requests to:
Firearms Transaction Center
Nonresident CHP Permits
Criminal Justice Information Services Division
Department of State Police
P.O. Box 85141
Richmond, VA 23285-5141
The packet sent to you will include:
The Concealed Permit Application
The Fingerprint Card
The Application Checklist
Get fingerprinted by the clerk of the court's designee.
5. Submit your packet and any other necessary documents.You will be expected to send in:
Proof of competency (The AFT completion certificate for Introduction to Pistol Safety will do just fine)
The completed fingerprint card. This can be done and signed at a local sheriffs office.
The notarized permit application.
Two 2x2 passport style photographs. They must be clear and from the front.
A copy of your State ID card.This must be valid (not expired).
A Cashier's Check in the amount of $100 made payable to the Virginia State Police.
An addressed return envelope with postage.
6. Your permit should show up in the mail within 45 days and is good for five years.
For more in-depth information, simply visit the Virginia State Police webpage.