Missouri Gun Laws
Missouri Gun Laws
The laws governing the legal use, storage and carrying of firearms are constantly changing. Below are the applicable laws in the State of Missouri as of 1/18/2013. The below information is designed to be a guide and not the final word. If you have specific questions, please refer to the Missouri State Legislation chapter 571at mo.gov Another great source is dps.mo.gov
Concealed Laws
A Missouri resident must be at least 21 years old to apply. A person who is atleast 18 years old and is a member of the United States Armed Forces, or is honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces, is a citizen of the United Statesand has assumed residency, and is stationed in Missouri may apply for a Missouri concealed carry endorsement. The spouse of a member of the U.S. ArmedForces stationed in Missouri who is 21 years old may also apply for a Missouri concealed carry endorsement. If you wish to obtain a concealed weapon endorsement, you must first complete a firearms safety course at least eight hours inlength.
Once the firearms safety course is completed, the next step is to apply for thecertificate of qualification at your local sheriff’s office. You must present a copyof the firearms training course certificate, complete an application, and pay anon-refundable fee of $100. You may apply only in the county in which you reside.The application to the local sheriff (or police chief, if applicable, in first classcounties) will contain a sworn statement. This statement verifies the applicant:
• meets the age requirement.
• is a citizen of the United States.
• has assumed residency in Missouri, or is an armed forces member or
spouse stationed in Missouri.
• has not been convicted, or pled guilty or nolo contendre to any felony.
• has no weapons-related misdemeanor conviction.
• has not been convicted within the past five years of a violent misdemeanor.
• has not been convicted of two or more misdemeanors involving DWI or
possession or abuse of a controlled substance within the past five years.
• is not a fugitive.
• is not currently charged with a felony.
• has not been dishonorably discharged from the armed forces.
• has not been adjudged mentally incompetent within the past five years.
• has received the required firearms safety training.
• is not the respondent of a valid full order of protection.
Aditional Information
Missouri’s carrying concealed law recognizes all out-of-state permits, including those from political subdivisions — cities and counties. Also, keep in mind
that Missouri’s peaceable journey law will apply to travelers, including thosewho do not have a permit.
Out-of-state residents cannot obtain a Missouri concealed carry endorsement.However, nothing prohibits Missouri residents from obtaining a concealedcarry permit from another state, and those permits would be valid in Missouri.
Not all states honor Missouri’s concealed weapons endorsement. It is theresponsibility of the endorsement holder to comply with the laws of all states/jurisdictions in which he carries a concealed weapon.