Non-Resident Tennessee Permit
The laws governing the legal use, storage and carrying of firearms are constantly changing. Below are the applicable laws in the State of as of 3/20/2013. The below information is designed to be a guide and not the final word. If you have specific questions, please refer to the State of Tennessee legislation at the Tennessee Department of Public Safety and Homeland Security at Another great resource is the Tennessee Department of Public Safety FAQ section.
The State of Tennessee will issue a Non-Resident Handgun Carry Permit under the Following Conditions.
Non-Resident Permit
(C)(i) If a person who is a resident of and handgun permit holder in another state is employed in this state on a regular basis and desires to carry a handgun in this state, the person shall have six (6) months from the last day of the sixth month of regular employment in this state to obtain a Tennessee handgun carry permit. The permit may be issued based on the person having a permit from another state provided the other state has substantially similar permit eligibility requirements as this state. However, if during the six-month period the person applies for a handgun permit in this state and the application is denied, the person shall not be allowed to carry a handgun in this state based upon the other state's permit.
(ii)The provisions of this subdivision (r)(3)(C) shall not apply if the state of residence of the person employed in Tennessee has entered into a handgun permit reciprocity agreement with this state pursuant to this subsection (r).
(iii) As used in this subdivision (r)(3)(C), "employed in this state on a regular basis" means a person has been gainfully employed in this state for at least thirty (30) hours a week for six (6) consecutive months not counting any absence from employment caused by the employee's use of sick leave, annual leave, administrative leave or compensatory time.