Oregon Reciprocity and Recognition
Oregon's handgun laws are constantly changing, although every effort has been made to ensure that the below posted laws are current, American Firearms Training Corp. cannot be held liable for misuse of this information. To find the most up to date information, please visit leg.state.or.us.
What states' permit holders may carry in Oregon?
The following text is straight from the OSP website, posted 10/30/2012:
"It is unlawful possession of a firearm for a person to knowingly carry any firearm concealed upon their person or possessing a handgun that is concealed and readily accessible to the person within any vehicle. To legally carry a concealed handgun you must obtain the License to Carry a Concealed Handgun. You apply for this license at your local Sheriff's Dept.
Firearms carried openly in belt holsters are not concealed within the meaning of this section.
In order to carry in Oregon, you must have an Oregon Resident or Non-Resident permit. Oregon currently allows individuals with residency in contiguous states to apply for Non-Resident Permits. Those states are California, Washington, Idaho, and Nevada.
Generally there is no reciprocity with other states concealed handgun licenses. If you want to carry a concealed handgun in Oregon, you will need an Oregon Concealed Handgun License."
To learn more about this law, visit: licenseinfo.oregon.gov.
In what states may I carry as an Oregon permit holder?
Because Oregon doesn't recognize the permits of any other states, very few recognize theirs. This being said, with an Oregon Resident Permit, you can carry in:
Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Vermont.