Transporting Firearms in North Dakota
The laws governing the legal use, storage and carrying of firearms are constantly changing. Below are the applicable laws in the State North Dakota of as of 4/24/2013. The below information is designed to be a guide and not the final word. If you have specific questions, please refer to the State legislation at Another great resource is the North Dakota Attorney General.
62.1-02-10. Carrying loaded firearm in vehicle - Penalty - Exceptions.
No person may keep or carry a loaded firearm in or on any motor vehicle in this state. Any person violating this section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. This prohibition does not apply to:
1. A member of the armed forces of the United States or national guard, organized reserves, state defense forces, or state guard organizations while possessing the firearm issued to the member by the organization and while on official duty.
2. A law enforcement officer, except while the officer is engaged in hunting or trapping activities with a rifle or shotgun. Any person possessing a valid North Dakota concealed weapons license or a valid license issued by another state authorizing the person to carry a dangerous weapon concealed if that state permits a holder of a valid North Dakota concealed weapons license to carry a dangerous weapon concealed in that state without obtaining a similar license from that state, except while that person is in the field engaged in hunting or trapping activities.
4. Any person in the field engaged in lawful hunting or trapping of nongame species or fur-bearing animals.
5. A security guard or private investigator licensed to carry firearms by the attorney general.
6. Any person possessing a valid special permit issued pursuant to section 20.1-02-05.
62.1-02-13. Possession of secured firearm - Prohibition by employer prohibited.
1. A public or private employer may not:
a. Prohibit any customer, employee, or invitee from possessing any legally owned firearm, if the firearm is lawfully possessed and locked inside or locked to a private motor vehicle in a parking lot and if the customer, employee, or invitee is lawfully in the area.
b. Make a verbal or written inquiry regarding the presence of a firearm inside or locked to a private motor vehicle in a parking lot or make an actual search of a private motor vehicle in a parking lot to ascertain the presence of a firearm within the vehicle. In addition, a public or private employer may not take any action against a customer, employee, or invitee based upon verbal or written statements of any party concerning possession of a firearm stored inside a private motor vehicle in a parking lot for lawful purposes. A search of a private motor vehicle in the parking lot of a public or private employer to ascertain the presence of a firearm within the vehicle may only be conducted by an on-duty law enforcement officer.
c. Condition employment upon the fact that an employee or prospective employee holds or does not hold a concealed weapons license or any agreement by an employee or a prospective employee that prohibits an employee from keeping a legal firearm locked inside or locked to a private motor vehicle in a parking lot, if the firearm is kept for lawful purposes.
d. Prohibit or attempt to prevent any customer, employee, or invitee from entering the parking lot or the employer's place of business because the customer's, employee's, or invitee's private motor vehicle contains a legal firearm being carried for lawful purposes, that is out of sight within the customer's, employee's,or invitee's private motor vehicle.
e. Terminate the employment of or otherwise discriminate against an employee, or expel a customer or invitee for exercising the constitutional right to keep and bear arms or for exercising the right of self-defense as long as a firearm is never exhibited on company property for any reason other than lawful defensive purposes.
62.1-03-01. Carrying handgun - Restrictions - Exceptions.
e. Any person permitted by law to possess a handgun while carrying the handgun unloaded and in a secure wrapper from the place of purchase to that person's home or place of business, or to a place of repair or back from those locations.